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Have you found that you have no time to grab something to eat before going out to go to work? Or, are you just heading to the bakery you frequent to pick a donut or a large cup of caramel macchiato with skimmed milk and topping cream? After just one hour, chances are you will be surprised that you are showing a downturn and not being able to concentrate on your work. We all know that staying alive and staying focused for 8 hours a day can be a daunting task. Sometimes, even after a good night's sleep, you still feel tired and can't really work. However, you can eat a way to make your day more efficient. Keep looking down to find out what to eat and more efficient! Forget about junk food The most important factor is to avoid sugar and saturated fat, while also ensuring that raw foods with low sugar content are eaten. Trans fats and saturated fats found in fast food can make your eyelids sink, and sugary snacks can make your blood sugar soar. This means that you will get a quick boost in energy and will soon be out of the situation. If you avoid chocolate and soda, but choose bananas, dates or energy bars that contain only natural sugars, you will maintain a steady level of energy throughout the day.
Drink plenty of water Drinking plenty is another thing we often forget. We drink a lot of coffee, black tea or sugary drinks that don't keep ourselves hydrated - more precisely, they work the opposite! Drinking water prevents fatigue and headaches, so you can put a large bottle of water on your desk and drink it often. Adults should drink about 2 liters a day. Remember, the big Macchiato coffee you drink in the morning is not counted! If you don't like the taste of water, try adding a slice of lemon or a little strawberry to make it more flavorful. Don't skip breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and seems to be the one we don't eat the most. Eating a healthy meal before work will awaken your brain and give you energy. Drinking a cup of coffee for breakfast will make it easier for you to have an appetite for sugary and processed foods later in the day. A good breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make you burn more calories ;-)
If you don't have time to make breakfast in the morning, try to prepare the overnight oatmeal on the night before or prepare the pre-made smoothie juice during your pre-meal preparation on Sunday. The only thing you need to do in the morning is to mix it with some plant milk or coconut juice! Our Tota Vita Focus Snacks are great for the morning breakfast mix! Low calorie intake will not only make you boring, but it can also cause serious health problems. You may think that this is self-contradictory, but eating enough can really make you fat! Listening to your body. Our bodies often send signals to our brains to tell what is wrong or what we are missing. Try to learn to monitor your body. A headache is not necessarily the result of stressful conversations with your boss. Maybe you are just thirsty or hungry. When we have been eating processed foods, sugary foods and beverages, and not resisting our own bad habits, it becomes difficult to monitor the body. The more you treat healthy food, fruits and vegetables, the more likely you are to know what your body really needs at a particular time.